Kenneth Abelson, Director of Marketing

Ken Abelson joins William B. May with over 30 years of experience in the real estate business as an owner, manager and broker of residential and commercial properties in NYC. As a founder and principal of Gumley Haft RE he was responsible for overseeing new business development, marketing, real estate management operations and business operations. Prior to that he was a principal of JG Haft & Co. Inc. where he was involved in sales, rentals and co-operative conversions.

Ken has also been a commercial broker at Newmark & Co. Inc. and Murray Hill Properties where he specialized in office and professional space leasing. Over the years he has been active in many industry organizations and is currently a Board Member on the Realty Advisory Board on Labor Relations.

Ken’s diversified experience in sales and marketing has brought him to his current exciting endeavor, Director of Marketing at Brokers Services Holding, LLC, William B May. He is thrilled to be involved with progressive thinkers and a new concept that is destined to grow in a business environment where everything else is shrinking.

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