William B. May

William B. May Company was one of the largest and most successful full service real estate brokerage firms in the New York area specializing in residential apartment and townhouse properties.

Established in 1866, William B. May grew to seven offices and a team of 175 brokers. The company started selling Townhouses, Row Houses, Mansions and Land and then grew into the New York City condo and coop market. William B. May was family operated for four generations and maintained a premier position in the New York City real estate market for many years. The company operations ceased few years ago, but the William B. May remains recognizable by real estate professionals and their clients as a leading name in the New York Real Estate Market.

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Broker Services Holding, LLC | 4 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 | P:212.679.9300 | F:212.679.9301 | www.wbmay.com | Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
The operator of this website is Broker Service Holding LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“BSH,” “we,” or “us”) which owns the William B May business concept. Although this Website is presented by BSH, we allow our independent brokerage licensees to operate web pages on this Website if they choose to do so. Each William B. May Licensee is an independently owned and operated Licensed Real Estate Brokerage

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